Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Boedee & her cute family!

This was the first family shoot I did out at Calico Basin. It is soo beautiful there. Isn't Boedee's family adorable. She is like my number one fan. We've been friends for one....maybe two years (ouch! my memory isn't that great), and she has always believed in me. She is one of the reasons I never give up! Thank you! You truly are an amazing friend! I already miss our monthly get togethers!
Despite what she might say, I had a fun time with her family. The usual happened: kids being kids, parents being parents. :) Here are some of my favorite pictures. It was hard narrowing it down.
Below you will find a picture of Chris, Boedee, Ashton, and Aiden. I tried a new funky texture thats why it looks different. Does anyone like the effect?

I love Boedee's necklace! Great job picking out the wardrobe.

I couldn't resist, I had to give the feet picture a cartoonish look to it.

Look at Aiden, I think he got about 1 foot of air.
Like I said before the kids couldn't help but be kids.

I just loved Aiden & Ashton! Their love for one another is very touching.
Here is a little series of them playing around.

As we were leaving the kids started playing peek a boo against the fence. This was the only shot where both of them were looking at the camera. I got lucky!

And that pretty much wraps up the Reed Family Shoot. Thanks for looking :)


  1. Hello. My name is Bob Brewer from Biloxi, MS. Friend of the family. I like the first family photo with your funky texture.

  2. Thats funny! They are in my ward now I think! Cute family!

  3. These are awesome. You have talent and Boedee was right for believing in you! I know who's doing our next shoot! I think I know a few families for your shoot idea - just not sure where to start - I'll give it some thought.

  4. I like the first one without the textured effect for the family shot but the one of your feet is the cutest...should be in a magazine! Love them!

  5. Can I just say - I love them all!!! You are the best....There were several more comments but they were left on my blog instead of here...you need to check them out!
